Chiara Carrozza

s200_chiara.carrozzaI hold a PhD in Political Science from the Department of Political Studies of the University of Torino (January 2009). Since May 2011 I am post-doctoral fellow at CES – Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra. I live in Portugal, between Coimbra and Lisbon. My post-doctoral research focuses the role of expertise in climate change policy and research and combines “interpretive approaches” to policy studies with Science and Technology Studies.

I am Principal Investigator of the research project “The Importance of Being Digital. Exploring digital scholarship and digital methods” aiming at investigating the impact of the digital technologies in scholarly practices in both theoretical and methodological terms.

In broad terms, I am interested in the complex interrelations between research policies and academic research practices; my work in this area is particularly focused on issues such as research funding, scientific mobility and the changing nature of academic work.

Full profile and publications at:

On twitter I am @myfirstSN

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